Part of your experience at DKU is developing a high-quality advisor-student relationship. Prior to meeting with your academic advisor, reflect/revise your short-term and long-term goals, consider your strengths and areas of growth from previous session(s), take time to review courses/major(s) of interest, identify 5-6 courses you want to discuss with your advisor (be flexible). It’s always a good idea to write down all the topics you want to go over in order to ensure you do not miss anything.
Schedule your appointment with your advisor at least a week in advance of registration and let them know if you already have specific questions you want to discuss. Finally, be open to having a constructive dialogue to set realistic expectations about your plan.
You might what to use the 4-year plan to map out what courses you have taken and what you have left to complete your major requirement.
How can I find information about majors and academic policies?
You may refer to the UG Bulletin, which can be found online at on the website of the Office of the Registrar. Be sure to keep using the Bulletin from the year you entered, newer versions may have requirements for new students that you will not be held to.
You are required to meet with your advisor each semester before class registration and before you declare a major. Your advisor might arrange additional advising sessions throughout the semesters. You are also encouraged to be in touch with your advisor and reach out any time you have questions or concerns.
If you want a specific faculty to be your academic advisor, you should confirm it with both your current and potential advisor, reach an agreement, and then submit the request to the Office of Undergraduate Advising using the following link:
It is not guaranteed that the switch can be made for a faculty advisor who is at their advisee limit, even if they agree. All requests are subject to review by the Director of Academic Advising or their designee.