
Faculty advisors are encouraged to reach out to Advising or the ARC whenever they have questions but it is important to keep in mind that responses, even in the WeChat group, are going to be limited to work hours except for those cases which are true emergencies. Below are some of the resources that we would use to find most of the answers to basic questions, please review these before you email since it’s likely you can find a helpful answer here more quickly than you would waiting for a response, especially if the question comes up during a night or weekend. If there is anything missing from this page or one of the UG Advising pages it links to please reach out to the Director of Advising.

Advisor Resources

Academic advisors can find resources below:

Advising FAQs
Built from a student perspective, this is a good resource to recommend students visit for times when you are not available or something advisors can refer to when they need a quick answer to a general question.
Advising Manual
Our advisor manual is an excellent resource for DKU academic advisors. This manual will guide advisors through how to effectively use advising and campus resources, advising technical skills, recommendations for advising different student populations, and more. This is a Google document, so you must access it via a VPN.
Advising Registration Planning Guide + Cheat Sheet
This document goes over registration for students in each class year to help you advise your students effectively and make sure they meet all requirements for that year. There is also a single page “Cheat Sheet” at the end that advisors can print off and post in their office for when you need a shorter reference guide to turn to.
Advising Box Drive
Contains a number of various resources. Most useful will often be the Major Exploration Folder, which will have information to help students explore and eventually decide on a major as well provide a 4-year planning template to help with planning out their degree.
Academic Alerts
If you are an instructor or advisor who notices a student struggling in or not attending their courses please submit through here.
Academic Calendar
See the Academic Calendar for the official semester schedule and registration deadlines.
CARE Team Reports
The CARE team can be reached by email at dku-ocm@dukekunshan.edu.cn or by complete an online report, linked to below. The Care Report is best used for students who are in danger, who have shown signs of distress, or who have stopped communicating. If you’re unsure what a situation falls under but you are concerned about a student or how they say they are feeling then this is the report to file.
Public Incident Reports are to report the breaking of university rules. Witnessing harassment, an assault, or damage/destruction of university property could fall under this, though there are other university rules as well.
Care Team Report
Public Incident Report
Course Planning Sheet
This is not meant to be used as a substitute for the Academic Requirements page in DKU Hub, it is meant to provide a history of course offerings to allow students to have a sense of when particular courses are offered. Of course this will always be subject to change but course history is frequently a good indicator of future offerings so it should be helpful in most cases.
For class of 2025 and before
For class of 2026 and beyond
Course Substitution Form
This form is located on the Advising Box Drive. For current DKU students, in their senior year, facing academic circumstances that merit special consideration for completing graduation requirements through a course substitution. Requests should be emailed to the Office of Global Education at DKU-globaledu@dukekunshan.edu.cn after working with their major coordinator and advisor. Students should be sure to discuss the request with them first as requests not needed and not discussed before submission are not likely to be approved.
DKU Bulletin
One of the most important documents you can use for advising. Remember, policies and major options may change from year to year and students can only follow those in Bulletin from the year they entered (unless they formally requested a change to a newer Bulletin) so be careful to pick the right one when you’re looking something up.
DKU Definitions
Universities have their own jargon. This page is meant to help students understand the terms that most faculty and staff are familiar with but many students may not be.
Major Convener List
This excel sheet lists majors, tracks, and the major conveners’ names and email addresses. Major Conveners are an excellent resource for questions regarding course sequencing or their assigned major track prerequisites.
Major Requirements
This is a good place to check for the most updated major information but please remember that advisees will only have access to the majors which were live for the Bulletin they entered under.
Office of Global Education Website
Check here for the Advising Guide for Duke University, the Duke to DKU Equivalency Guide, as well as a folder for advisors with information on Course Equivalency & Substitutions.
Student Forms
Hosted by the Registrar’s Office this is where students can find forms for course withdrawals, course repeats, CR/NC grade mode changes, or leaves of absence, among others.
Writing and Language Studio (WLS)
The Writing and Language Studio (WLS), hosted by the Language and Culture Center, provides a variety of resources for students. Their primary resources include writing coaching, language coaching, and independent language learning.


The ARC offers supplementary instruction for students. Our staff work with faculty and other departments to promote active learning environments for students’ development. Some of our specialized areas include: 

  • Time management and dealing with procrastination
  • Effective study skills development
  • Academic Stress management
  • Motivation and goal setting


We are open to collaborations and hope to share our expertise to provide high-quality academic support for DKU students. If you are interested, please contact us at DKU-arc@dukekunshan.edu.cn